





– Darrere la finestra. Vida quotidiana al centres de menors franquistes (Ricard Mamblona, Documental, 2006)- Hep C – From Hell to Hope (Ricard Mamblona, Documental, 2016)- Connexió Clínic (Ricard Mamblona, Sèrie documental, 2018-2020)- Confinament 8 1/2 (VV. AA., Documental experimental, 2020)


Ricard Mamblona is PhD Lecturer at CESAG – Centro de Enseñanza Superior Alberta Giménez, attached to the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, mainly teaching Sociology of Communication and Film Production and Direction. As a teacher and researcher, he has specialized in documentary cinema and non-conventional forms of non-fiction, such as experimental cinema or essay cinema. He is also the director of the audiovisual and cultural production company DOCME Films, specialized in documentaries, creative and social impact campaigns, educational projects and management of cultural events; most of these projects focused on social issues and derived from the conjunction between art and disease. On the other hand, he is co-director of FICAE -Diseases International Short Film and Art Festival, held in Valencia and Mallorca. A unique festival in the world for treating the disease from all its diversifications, processes and states. Currently, he is directing the documentary series Connexió Clínic, shot entirely at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona and where the protagonists are the health professionals themselves.
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